Where can I view my food waste overview?

An explanation of the food waste overview.

The first tile in the dashboard always shows the most recent data of last week. The overview distinguishes 4 Parts:

1. Food waste
The total number of kilograms of food in the indicated week, excluding cutting waste.

2. Percentage unphotographed weight

Is a percentage of all the weight increases on the scales that do not have a photo. If something is thrown away without a photo being taken, the kilograms are placed in this category. 

PLEASE NOTE: The unphotographed weight belongs to your food waste, because it is not visible which ingredients have been photographed, you want to keep this percentage as low as possible.

3. Cutting waste 
Cutting waste is unavoidable, and we do not count it as food waste, so therefore this is calculated separately from your total food waste.

4. Food waste per guest
This number can be used as a benchmark to company busy and quiet periods. This field is only visible if you have entered your guest numbers

Screenshot 2022-04-24 at 11.02.37

NOTE: the above overview only reflects last week. 


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