Why don't I see one of my buttons in the dashboard?

I have a button on the monitor but I don't see it in the dashboard, how come?

Not all locations use buttons on the monitor. If you want to know more about this, please read our article about the visibility of different waste streams.

But what if you do have a button on your orbi, which you do not see in the dashboard? It could be one of these reasons: 

  1. It could be that the team hasn't actually used the button in the time frame you have selected in the dashboard. 
  2. It could also be that the button has just been added to your Orbi. Therefore it won't be visible in the dashboard if you select a periode from before the addition of the button. 

Are you sure you are using the button, but you do not see it in the dashboard. Please contact the support from Orbisk through support@orbisk.com


NOTE: The same goes for a button you removed from the monitor. The moment you select a period in the dashboard in which the button has been used, that data remains in the dashboard and you continue to have the option to select that button. Even though the button was not used over the entire period.


Are you still left with questions after reading this article? Feel free to send us an e-mail to support@orbisk.com or call us on +31 302270651.

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