Better storage to save more products

How can I best store my products to prevent food waste

A lot of food is lost due to wastage. Our number one tip is to look critically at the storage process. For example, look at the way you package products or the environment in which you store them. We have listed a few tips for you:

Keep an eye on the storage environment

Provide adequate ventilation and the correct cooling temperatures. In this way, your products have the longest shelf life.

TIP: If the freezer or refrigerator is overcrowded, make it a little colder!

Pack products and organise inventory

The entire team is responsible for the organisation of the stock and it is difficult to keep this clear at all times. But a clear stock is essential. In addition, it is important to package products correctly.

Remember the following:

  • BStore raw meat or chicken on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. This reduces the chance that the moisture can drip onto other products.
  • Do not store products in an opened can.
  • Do not store products with a high acid content in aluminium foil. Such as tomatoes, different types of cabbage or fruit.


Practical tips for storing products

People have found creative ways to preserve food for years. How do you approach this? As soon as products have a longer shelf life, you save costs. Firstly, because you can use a batch for longer. Secondly, you can buy in larger quantities, which is cheaper. You can use the following options.

  • Fermenting
  • Pickling
  • Brining
  • Confiting

TIP: Maak een ‘special’ menu-item aan. Zo geef je jezelf de vrijheid om iedere dag een gerecht te maken waarbij je producten kunt hergebruiken of opmaken.

TIP: Making a bread pudding from leftover sweets is a popular solution with our customers.

We like to learn from practice and are, therefore, curious about your story. Do you have more tips or would you like to comment on the content of this article? Share your experience with us by sending an e-mail to

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