What is unphotographed weight?

The definition, cause and solutions of unphotographed weight.

Unphotographed weight is increased weight on the scale that has not been photographed. Without the photo, it is not clear which food has been thrown away, thus resulting in a distorted picture of your waste stream.

Therefore, it is important to have as little unphotographed weight as possible to set the right objectives. Make sure the kitchen staff photographs everything to keep the unregistered weight number as low as possible. 

Is your percentage of unphotographed weight more than 20%? Then read on about the cause and solution!

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What are causes of unphotographed weight?

The fact that the team does not take photos of the food they throw away can have several causes. For example:

  1. Ignorance. Does the employee know how to use the Orbisk monitor?
  2. Low engagement. Is the employee aware of the organisation's interest in reducing food waste? Do they feel involved?


What can you do to achieve as many correct registrations as possible? 

  1. Always provide new employees with a detailed explanation of why, how, what & when to use the Orbisk monitor. 
  2. Hang the 'how to use the monitor' poster on a notice board or near the monitor so that replacement staff also know what to do.  
  3. Increase team engagement by using our article ''employee engagement''.

Are you still left with questions after reading this article? Feel free to send us an e-mail to support@orbisk.com or call us on +31 302270651.
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